Friday, August 5, 2011

Doing things differently to end decades old problem of armed conflict

The decision to meet with Murad is a bold and daring one and we throw our support behind it. It shows that the President has guts and is willing and capable of taking risks and placing the office and the powers that flow from such an office in the forefront for the cause of peace.

This development signals the willingness of this govt to do things differently and to take on a new and fresh approach to peace. Indeed for real change to take place we must be willing to do things differently. Clearly the old ways have failed and the old methods have produced results that are far from desirable. This bold and daring move by the President shows his willingness to do things differently, a willingness to try new approaches to end decades old problem of armed conflict plaguing our nation.

We urge the MILF to reciprocate and show its willingness to forge a peace agreement that will bring our nation towards the path of progress and prosperity for all.

It is time we silence the guns permanently and address the root causes of armed conflict. It is time for a just and honorable peace to triumph over war, death and destruction.

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