We urge senatorial candidates running under the Liberal Party not to engage in taunts and other tactics that would make them stray from the administration ticket's vision for the 2013 mid-term elections.
We should move away from engaging in this debate as to whether or not guest candidates should or shouldn't attend rallies of the UNA or Team PNoy tickets. We strongly urge our LP candidates not to engage in such talks and have others frame the issue according to their terms. It would be a waste of the LP candidates' energy and resolve.
There are more important matters that need our focus and attention, such as the urgent need to ensure that the reform efforts of this administration are not derailed by electing those who do not share the vision of the President.
Those presenting themselves to the electorate should focus on raising the level of public debate into that concerning economic and political issues affecting the nation rather than dwell on those matters that have no bearing on the pressing issues of the day.